Automating large-scale simulations for OMNeT++

OSM allows to OMNeT++ users to quickly and easily execute large-scale network simulations. Three shell commands (including help context) are available:

# Build and lauch the simulation campaign

# Summarize result files located in output folder
$osm parser [OPTIONS]

# Analyze summarized file
$osm analyzer [OPTIONS]

How to cite us

If you use SMO for your OMNeT++ experiment analysis, we would appreciate a citation of our work:

      1. Bautista, L. F. Urquiza-Aguiar, L. L. Cárdenas and M. A. Igartua, “Large-Scale Simulations Manager Tool for OMNeT++: Expediting Simulations and Post-Processing Analysis,” in IEEE Access, vol. 8, pp. 159291-159306, 2020, doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2020.3020745.

Feature highlights

  • Supports Python >= 3.5;
  • Fine grane control of the simulation campaign;
  • Customizable/interactive plotting
  • Runs parallelized simulations and post-processing for large number of files (common in large-scale simulations);